Two new youth join Noodawishinaam Oshkiniigiwag
Two new youth join Noodawishinaam Oshkiniigiwag
Tikinagan’s youth team Noodawishinaam Oshkiniigiwag, which means “Hear Us Youth,” added two new members — part of the agency’s month-long celebration of Children & Youth In Care Day.
Kris Moore, 20, from Fort Severn First Nation, is a former youth in care, spending her time with two different agencies since she was six.
“Growing up in foster care has a long lasting impact on me, both good and bad,” said Kris. “I wish to share my experiences and elevate youth and their voices.”
Jaida Gregg, 24, from Lac Seul First Nation, works as at Independent First Nations Alliance tribal council as a Paediatric Nurse. This upcoming fall, she will be continuing her education in a Master of Public Health with focus on Indigenous and Northern Health.
“I am passionate about many things,” said Jaida. “Indigenous youth have always had a special place in my heart. Supporting our youth has been a passion of mine that continues to grow each day. I believe in our youth and what they have to say. My intention is to further empower our youth while bringing my paediatric healthcare knowledge to the table.”
Noodawishinaam Oshkiniigiwag aims be the voice of the children and youth in care from Tikinagan’s 30 First Nation communities by to providing opportunities for children and youth currently and formerly in care from Tikinagan’s 30 First Nation communities including: opportunities to speak up and share concerns, ideas, and vision for themselves; opportunities to engage with other youth; and to help guide Tikinagan’s mandate.
Children and Youth in Care Day is an opportunity to acknowledge children and youth in and from care for their strengths and unique identities. This day allows agencies like Tikinagan to build better networks of support by increasing participation of community members and partners so that children and youth in and from care feel supported and thrive. It also helps to destigmatize views about children and youth in and from care by increasing awareness and understanding with the public.