REMINDER: Social Media Use & Privacy
REMINDER: Social Media Use & Privacy
Tikinagan Child and Family Services has a statutory mandate under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, specifically Part X, to protect children and promote and ensure their well-being. In carrying out its mandate, Tikinagan is provided with, collects, uses and discloses personal information, including names, addresses, family history/situations and health information about clients, their families and other individuals.
Staff should strive to protect this information to ensure client privacy and confidential information at all times, especially when using and posting on social media. Posting a client name, address, or any other identifying information is a breach in privacy. This includes all individuals receiving agency services, children and youth, and families. This includes posting client names or any other client information on personal accounts, as well as public or private Facebook groups. As per Tikinagan’s 2.1 Confidentiality – Obligation and Oath of Confidentiality (2.1) and Acceptable Computer, Email, Social Media and Internet Use Policy (2.29), Employees, Elders, Board Members, contractors, volunteers, members of committees and any other persons who may be entrusted with written or verbal confidential and other information will keep that information confidential and comply with these policies.
All staff are encouraged to utilize the services of the Communication Department when making public Facebook posts or in private community pages as it relates to Tikinagan news and events. This allows us to respond to comments, questions, and concerns on behalf of the agency. If your First Nation community has a group page, we encourage you to invite the Tikinagan page or one of our team members in the communications team. You can reach them at
You can learn more about Part X and privacy at