MEMO: Frontline Updates to Contacts & Case notes
MEMO: Frontline Updates to Contacts & Case notes
RE: Frontline Updates to Contacts and Casenotes – First Nation Consultation, Approved Departures, Message From and Message To |
We are introducing some new features in the Contacts and Case Notes section of Services/Referrals on Frontline.
First Nation Consultation (Yes or No button)
All case notes entered will need to check off whether a First Nation has been consulted. There are two buttons where you can click “Yes” or “No”. This will help us to determine when consultation is taking place and to gather that information. Please note that this is a *must fill* feature and will need to be checked off in every case note entered. It should be checked off as yes when FN consultation has taken place for that case note or document, e.g. case conference, OV, etc., otherwise check off no. The expectation is if “Yes” is checked off there will be First Nation consultation noted within that case note or document. There is also a tab in Child Protection Recordings that will show a list of all FN contacts for that service.
Approved Departures
There is a new “Contact Activity” available in contacts and case notes. This section will be where we enter our new Approved Departure Form (sent out earlier this week). Staff will be able to select what area the departure for the standard is for, i.e., Referral, Investigation, Ongoing Child Protection, Residential (foster) Care, or Supervision standards. Approved Departure forms that are submitted to be entered by data entry will need to be approved prior to submitting to data entry.
Message From and Message To
There are two new “Contact Activity” called Message From and Message To – in each contact area (where TCT, TCF is listed) for staff to use for text messages, facebook messages, etc.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Jesilyn Daniels and cc Marlene Boos.