MEMO: Rate Increases

TO: All Staff

FROM: Gail Anderson, Director of Service

DATE: May 10, 2023

Re: Rate Increases

Effective April 1, 2023, the agency will be increasing rates related to expenses for children in care and daily meal allowances.

Clothing Allowance:

Age Winter Spring Summer Fall/Back
to School Clothes
Annual TOTAL
0-2 $300 $150 $150 $150 $700 $1450
3-10 $500 $250 $250 $350 $1000 $2350
11 and over $800 $350 $350 $500 $1500 $3500

Emergency Clothing:

Rates as of April 1, 2023:

Monthly Allowance(s):

Age Group Amount
0-5 $20
6-11 $50
12 and up $100

Visit: Home of Parents and/or Family Members: (Grocery Rate per day)

Location Birth to 2 Children 3 and up
Southern $25 $50
Northern $50 $80

Foster Family Vacation/Trip Expenses:

Transportation Costs: To assist with the additional cost of meals while travelling
$25/day 14 days per year

Birthday and Christmas Allowances:

Age Christmas Allowance Birthday Allowance
0-6 $250 $100
7-12 $300 $150
13 years and over $350 $200

Hair Care & Personal Hygiene:

Rate as of April 1, 2023:

School Supplies and Expenses:

School Supplies and Expenses: (annual) School trip expenses/allowances High School Graduation Gift/Cash Post Secondary Gift/Cash
$200 (JK – Grade 6) $1000 $1000 $1500
$500 (Grade 7 – High School)      

Recreation Expenses:

Age Annual Amount
4-8 $400
9-13 $750
14 & older $1200

Daily Meal Allowance: (Restaurant Rates) (this rate increase would include visits outside of the home)

Meal Amount
Breakfast $20
Lunch $30
Supper $40
Incidentals/Snacks $10

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your respective Service Manager.