MEMO: Neegaan Inabin Support for Youth Agreement

TO: All Staff

FROM: Rachel Tinney, Associate Executive Director

DATE: May 15, 2023

Re: Neegaan Inabin Support for Youth Agreement

On April 1, 2023, the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services launched a new directive “Preparing Youth for Successful Transition from the Care of Children’s Aid Societies” also known as “Ready, Set, Go”. The purpose of this directive/program was to connect youth with additional services and supports to prepare them for success after leaving care. This directive/program replaces CCSY (Continued Care and Support for Youth).

Tikinagan has adopted an Indigenous approach for our youth that recognizes their culture, heritage, traditions, connections to their communities and the concept of the extended family through our Neegaan Inabin Services. Thus, supporting the safety and well-being of First Nations youth in a way that is culturally appropriate during their transition to independence.

Some key points for youth who are participating in Neegaan Inabin Support for Youth are :

  • Extensive planning is required for all youth starting at the age of 13. Must be included in the Plan of Care
  • “Neegaan Inabin Support for Youth Agreement” (NISYA) is for youth from 18 up to 23 years old.
  • All youth must have a signed NISYA (please see attached)
  • All youth must have a Neegaan Inabin Individualized Plan (please see attached)
  • The Monthly allowances for youth participating in Neegaan Inabin Support for Youth are as follows:
    o 18 years old – $2000 monthly allowance
    o 19 years old – $1800 monthly allowance
    o 20 years old – $1500 monthly allowance
    o 21 years old – $1200 monthly allowance
    o 22 years old – $800 monthly allowance
  • For youth participating in post-secondary education or skilled trade/apprenticeship may receive an additional $500 per month
  • For all youth currently on CCSY, a NISYA will need to be completed by May 31, 2023. This agreement must have a cheq req attached outlining the youth’s monthly allowance as of June 1, 2023.
  • If the youth was on CCSY between April 1, 2023 and today, the cheq req must include any amounts owing. (example: if an 18 year old youth was on CCSY on April 1, 2023 they will be owed $800 for April and $800 for May (new allowance $2000/month – $1200 paid under CCSY = $800 owing) and then, their allowance of $2000 per month will begin as of June 1, 2023)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your respective Service Manager.