MEMO: Daily Meal Allowance Increase

TO: All Staff

FROM: Clara Young, Director of Finance & Administration

DATE: June 2, 2023

Re: Daily Meal Allowance Increase

Effective June 1, 2023, please see the following chart noting increased meal rates for employees.

MealRegular Rate

Expenses – maximum amounts including taxes and gratuities.

New: Effective June 1, 2023, there will no longer be a Catchment Area Rate. There will only be a regular rate for meals.

There is no changes below:
▪ A rate of $10.00 per night for Incidentals can be claimed if you are staying overnight for agency business.
▪ Incidentals: this may include items that may need to be purchased such as: toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, hygiene products, etc, if missed while packing for overnight trips.
▪ When a hotel offers a complimentary breakfast, employees can now claim the breakfast allowance.
▪ No receipts are needed for meal allowances and incidentals.

Please refer to the Finance and Personnel Policy in Section 4: 4.4 Meal Expenses. Please note the policy has not been updated to reflect these most recent changes. If you have any questions, please speak to your Supervisor.