MEMO: Band Reps, Documentation & Privacy
MEMO: Band Reps, Documentation & Privacy
It has come to our attention that there is some confusion and hesitancy as to what information can be shared with The First Nation Band Rep Programs due to Privacy set out in Part X of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act.
In accordance with Tikinagan Child & Family Services Mamow Obiki-ahwahsoowin service model (Everyone Working Together), and current government legislation it is required that Child Protection Agencies engage in meaningful consultation with the First Nation regarding their children and band members.
The following documents and client information can be shared with Band Reps and will not constitute a Breach of Confidentiality.
Copies of any document that requires a signature from the First Nation. This includes:
1. All MCA’s, (Long Term, Short Term and Supervision agreements)
2. Safety Plans
3. Child Plan of Care
4. Service Plans
5. Mamow Case Conference Notes that they have participated in and have signed.
6. Court documents that we normally share with the First Nation.
In addition to this, workers are able to provide a case summary with basic information which can also include the # of referrals the agency has received on the family.
The agency is also required to give Notification to the First Nation and or designated Band Rep Program for the following:
7. First Nation must be notified verbally or in writing when a Serious Occurrence Report is submitted.
8. Notification updates of Verification of Investigations (this would most likely occur in a Mamow Conference) However it can also be done by letter or verbal notification. This is at the discretion of the First Nation.
9. Notification of Files openings to Ongoing services by letter or at the discretion of the First Nation
10. Notification of Files Closing to Services by letter or at the discretion of the First Nation.
Working together to provide effective support and assistance to the families we serve may also include at times regular verbal consultations and communication with the First Nation Representatives so they are properly informed and can assist in planning and supporting families.
All other documentation and/or information on a client’s file can only be shared by submitting a file disclosure request to intake screeners, must have the written consent of the client and must go through the redaction process to ensure any other person’s information is not disclosed without consent.