MEMO: Pandemic Measures Specific to Service Delivery While Working Remotely

From: Rachel Tinney, Associate Executive Director

cc: Gail Anderson, Assistant Director of Services
Karla Stanley, Assistant Director of Services
Amy Hardy, Director of Services
Judy Angeconeb, Director of Services
Bill Kuzemczak Director of Services

Further to the December 7th memo regarding Pandemic Measures and working remotely, it is
important that all Tikinagan offices have an open line of communication with the communities and
families we serve. For all First Nation community offices, Service Managers and/or DSS’s will
contact the First Nation and inform them that Tikinagan is taking extra precautions until the end of
January 2022 due to the rising cases in the Province and region. It is also important to confirm
with the First Nation that this does not mean Tikinagan will not be providing regular services to
clients. Tikinagan will continue to respond to crisis and Child Protection matters as necessary. It
is important that all staff follow all pandemic measures put in place by the First Nations we serve
in combination with our Services Contingency Plan.

If there are any concerns and/or negative feedback from the First Nation regarding these
measures immediately notify your Supervisor, Manager and DOS.
While remote work measures are in place, it is important that staff are available during office
hours as well as for their After Hours/On Call duties as scheduled. It is paramount that all calls
coming into Tikinagan offices are responded to in a timely manner. Work should continue and
services provided.

Workers with extensions that are able to use call forward features should forward calls to their
work cell phones. In offices where this is not possible, a main contact person will need to be
assigned and the assigned person’s contact information must be left on office voicemails so
people know who to contact. The assigned person can then take messages and forward to the
appropriate worker.

All Service Standards and timelines must be met as per the Service Contingency Plan and inperson contact may be required where other manners of contact are not possible or appropriate.
When in-person contact is required, workers must conduct COVID-19 screening questions set out
in Contingency Plan, wear a 3-ply disposable facemask and a face shield and obtain approval
from your Supervisor and Service Manager.

As an essential service, we must ensure services are provided even in a pandemic. Please
contact your Supervisor or Service Manager if you have any questions about service delivery and
current measures.