Date: July 4, 2022
To: All Staff
Tikinagan will be keeping our pandemic measures in place until the end of August 2022, but will begin preparation and planning for returning to in-office work for all staff likely in September. To start this process, Directors and Managers will be expected to work in-office effective July 11 and all Supervisors will be expected to work in office starting July 18.
Managers will continue to have the authority to schedule staff in their units to work in-office or remotely and this will continue until we return to full in-office work. However, there has been concerns raised about offices not answering phones, or individual staff not answering calls or responding to messages. To ensure appropriate presence in urban and community-based offices, please ensure that in all offices there is at all times, at least:
- someone on-site to answer phones
- service supervisors and staff to ensure prompt consultation and response to service issues
Above is the minimum expectation. Where there is need (e.g. high workload, more effective work and or communication), and where offices can accommodate more staff to work in-office safely (physical distancing of work stations), Managers can schedule additional staff.
Aside from above changes, all other Tikinagan pandemic measures remain in place until the end of August 2022 including:
- We will continue to encourage meetings, gatherings or internal and external contacts in-office or off-site to be done virtually or by phone. However, where in-person meetings or training is more productive or effective, Managers have the authority to approve this as long as pandemic precautions such a physical distancing, mask wearing, etc are followed.
- Staff are reminded to follow the measures in our Pandemic Measures in the Workplace Protocol for any in-office work, including completing the Daily Health Screening before entering our offices (do not go to the office if you answer Yes to any of the screening questions), not coming to the office if you or someone in your household is ill, using hand-sanitizer upon entry and exit, wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently.
- Please note that we currently have enhanced masking measures requiring staff attending Tikinagan offices to wear disposable medical grade masks (not cloth ones) except when at your desk. Furthermore, if you share an office or work in an open space with others, you must wear masks at all times. N95s/KN95s will continue to be available should staff working in office prefer these. Also a reminder that eye protection, goggles or faceshield, is not mandatory for in-office work, but these are also available for additional protection. Please note eye protection does not replace mandatory mask wearing but can be worn in addition to a mask.
- Also a reminder that eye protection (faceshield or goggles) and enhanced masking (N95, KN95 or double disposable masks) are required for work-related duties as follows:
o any time you enter someone’s home or
o need to be closer than 6 feet to someone not wearing a mask, e.g. carrying a baby or toddlers
o providing care to a client in a hotel or transporting a client in a vehicle or other closed in space. - If a Tikinagan employee contracts COVID-19 (tests positive on a Rapid or PCR Test) or is a close contact to someone who tests positive for COVID-19 they cannot attend a Tikinagan office/facility, use a Tikinagan vehicle, or have in-person contact with staff or clients for 5 days after testing positive or 5 days after last contact with someone who has tested positive. For AOH staff, they are restricted from working in an AOH for a 10 day period. Staff person must also follow any additional advice of health officials regarding self-isolation or other restrictions.
- Staff are reminded to consult and follow the Service Contingency Plan to deliver services. Premium Pay as amended May 14 will remain in place. Please see attached Premium Pay memo and policy.
- And a reminder that if staff are tested for COVID-19, they are required to promptly notify their supervisor, PPE Chair Arlene McClendon, Christina Zatorsky & Acting HR Manager Selina Vincent.
- Tikinagan staff are also required to follow any local pandemic measures put in place. Please keep your supervisor up to date on outbreaks or any changes to pandemic measures in your community.
Please note above list contains enhanced measures in excess of provincial requirements or previous Tikinagan measures and where they conflict the higher levels prescribed above are to be followed.
Attached are the Pandemic Measures in the Workplace Protocol (formerly called the Return to the Workplace Protocol) the Services Contingency Plan, the AOH Staffing Shortage Contingency Plan as well as recent information regarding Premium Pay, employees testing positive or close contact with positives and PPE.
Again, I thank you for your co-operation with these measures. Stay safe and take care of yourselves and your families.