Hear Us Youth Shares their Feedback on Canada’s UNDRIP Action Plan

On Friday, January 24, 2025, members of Noodawishinaam Oshkiniigiwag (Hear Us Youth) got the opportunity to have a say in legislation that matters to them. Feathers of Hope – an Indigenous lead non-profit organization working to amplify and empower youth and the youth voice, organized a youth gathering in Thunder Bay to discuss Canada’s Action Plan in response to the United Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

The youth gathering was an opportunity for members of Hear Us Youth, to learn more about their rights, advocate for themselves, and develop their leadership skills.

Hear Us Youth Team Members Top L to R: Kris Moore, Ty Strang, and Jaida Gregg Bottom L to R: Nathan Linklater and Moriano Owen

After an overview of UNDRIP and what Canada’s action plan consists of, the team put their heads together to create a statement of what they would want to see from Canada’s Action Plan. Split into four groups, the youth then drafted their findings into a paragraph and presented it to the other groups. Kris Moore presented Hear Us Youth’s message, emphasizing their own team’s mission, vision, and values.

“What we, the youth, are most concerned with is accountability. Who holds the Canadian Government accountable? How do we ensure the Canadian government is honorable to their word when there is no Indigenous accountability framework in place? We want a space for Indigenous government within Parliament who are on equal footing with the rest of Parliament and its ministries,” said Moore.

The four presentations given by the youth are to be sent to the Department of Justice to provide feedback on Canada’s UNDRIP Action Plan.

“Be the change. Be different. Have the power to use your voices,” said Jason Thompson, Feather’s of Hope guest speaker. “Explore. Fill your mind with knowledge.”

Inspired to take action, Hear Us Youth member Nathan Linklater shared with TBT News his thoughts on the event and what he wants to see from the Canadian Government. See his response and a recap of the event below.

Start the change now! If you or a youth you know is interested in joining the team, go to their website to apply and learn more. If you have questions, want to know more about the team, or want to share your thoughts and experiences, email Youth@Tikinagan.org